Friday, February 01, 2008

Things that make my day.

1. The Cat and Mouse Game.

Between Edwin Claudius and the computer mouse. Case in point: cat sees mouse.

Cat chases mouse.

Cat catches mouse.

2. Yellow yarn. I have it BAD for all fibers yellow right now. Maybe it's an attempt to fight the winter doldrums? Maybe it's a surefire distraction from the angst of prelim exams (is yellow supposed to be a calming color? I always thought it wasn't, but then, why was that awful soda of the 80s called 'Mellow Yellow', hmmmm?)? Whatever magic it holds, I am completely captivated by it. So much so, in fact, that I started a new Flickr group just for yellow knits. It is slowly sating my thirstiness for the yellow. If you need a swig of of the ol' Mellow Yellow, check the group out here.

3. Awesome, awesome knitbloggers telling me that I make their day. Big, big hugs to Alice, Em, Minty, Sarah, Jennie, barefootrooster,and Katie (a new blog to me! thanks for introducing yourself, Katie!) for including me on your 'You Make My Day' lists!

And it only seems fitting that I spread the love by telling a few people that make MY day in the knitblog community that I appreciate them. So, first, I have to preface by saying that there are a few among us who pretty much make my day on a daily basis--my knitblog homies, if you will... so thank you, Ashley, Minty, Sarah, Jennie, and Pam! Be heretofore advised that you are considered my knitblog homies!

So, the 'You Make My Day' awards. Rules: Give the award to 10 people whose blogs make you feel happy about blogland, then let them know so they can pass it on. In alphabetical order:

100% Pura Lana :: Because her take on Project Spectrum last year is still blowing my mind. I am in sheer adoration of all those socks!
adamknits! :: Because YARN NERDery is the best kind of nerdery!
Black Dog Knits :: Because she is simply my favorite Aussie, that's why.
Elliphantom Knits :: Because not only are her FO shoots utterly amazing, she also can crack me up with her witty photo description tags like no other. Seriously, people. It's hard to get me to smile, much less laugh.
Mustaa villaa :: Because anyone who can crank out that many beautiful pairs of socks (PAIRS being the operative word) makes my day in a serious way.
Neither Hip Nor Funky :: Because she has a penchant for making singing bad, bad songs that should never be sung seem so hip. And funky, as it were.
Slipped Stitch :: Because just when I had given up all interest in ever knitting anything but socks again, she went and came up with the most perfect sweater pattern ever. And then published it for free, no less. Also, I live a Londoner's life vicariously through her.
s i x o n e s e v e n :: Because not only does she share awesome vegan recipes with us, but it's all I can do not to toss aside my own knitting and knit whatever she's just finished. I mean seriously, this? And this? And what about that one? Seriously, who needs to knit mates to their socks, anyway, when one can be sweater-and-mitten twinsies with Parikha instead?
s t r i k k e r :: Because she can rock the emo fringe like no other knitblogger I know. And she's as freakish as me about coveting the perfect yellow yarn.
The Daily Purl :: Because, I once dubbed her The Daily Temptation, and I wholeheartedly stand by this nickname one hundred and fifty percent. Also, have you seen this girl's weaving magic?? Utterly, mind-blowingly amazing.

Be back soon with my most favorite FO to date...


Blogger Sarah / Blue Garter said...

Heh, I just wrote a Make My Day post and named you, too! Looking forward to another excellent Philistine knit.

4:16 PM  
Blogger jennie said...

heh. thanks for making my day, AGAIN. Homie. :)

4:31 PM  
Blogger kris said...

aww! excellent use of the term in a sentence! ;-)

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww, yeah, thasss right, Homie! What up, dog? we be knitting all the time.


6:45 PM  
Blogger the daily purl said...

Hey, thanks! Can't wait to see your most favorite FO to date.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Terhi said...

Thank YOU! I love your socks too. :-D

2:58 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

aw thanks!

that's the second one of these lists to mention my Londoner-ness. Darnit, I must have lived here way too long...

1:03 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Can we make, like, gang signs or something?

4:07 PM  
Blogger cseneque said...

I've been hankering for yellow yarn lately too. Definitely feeling the love.

8:27 PM  
Blogger schrodinger said...

How much fun watching the cat watching the mouse.

11:51 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Ahhh thanks. I'm feeling the urge to think up some more horrible songs that I can relate to knitting Hmmmmm

12:51 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

You really do make my day!

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Megan! You make my day right back :)

10:21 AM  
Blogger Cirilia said...

I'm late to the party! Hope my little confession amuses you, though...

7:29 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Dude! I'm a homie! Now *that* has made my day.

8:18 PM  

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