Sunday musings and LOOT.
It's been a relatively lazy, plain-vanilla weekend Chez Philistine. For some reason, I feel as though I've been bustling about, getting things done, knitting up a storm... but then I sit down to recount it and there's really not so much to tell or show. Except for some sweet, new LOOT!

This pile of goodness is the stash-enhancing, bed-warming result of some swaps I did with Ashley and Kirsten. Soap for amazing bedwarmer à la Ashley and delicious tweed and sock yarn à la Kirsten! And look: Edwin, despite his uncanny ability to sense and evade impending photographing, has shown up for the treats. Though he hardly looks interested in them; well, I never said he was the smartest cat ever.

Yum! Treats! Ashley's bedwarmers went like hotcakes over at her Etsy shop, so I am glad to have cajoled one out of her before she tossed the others into the vortex. And I feel lucky to have scored some Sweet Georgia yarn from Kirsten's stash, especially having heard the news that Felicia has granted herself a well-deserved hiatus from dyeing. (I *might* have also recently ransacked the Sweet Sheep and gotten a few more Sweet Georgia colorways as well, but more on that some other time). And, well, Rowan tweed is what it is: utterly amazing, and these guys will make an excellent EZ Ganomy hat, agreed? Thanks again, Kirsten and Ashley for some super swapping! Now about all of that knitting with nothing to show for it...

A little peek at what I've been working on. While it may not look like much, to me it looks like nothing less than a small miracle! I have had an exceedingly antagonistic relationship with my skein of Yarn Pirate merino/tencel sock yarn. Despite it being the nonpareil colorway for this month's Project Spectrum, it hasn't exactly been at all cooperative on the non-pooling front. After many attempts and MANY patterns, I was *this* close to giving up on it and relieving myself of the pooling horror by letting it fend for itself over at Good Yarn Karma (this new site is ingenious, by the way... unwanted yarn FREE to good homes?! It certainly DOES seem to be the year of the clean and tidy stashes, indeed!). And then... I tried ONE. LAST. THING. And so far, so good.

And, finally, I really must send out BIG HUGS to Ashley and Kirsten, for the raving reviews of my soap! And, of course, BIG THANK YOUs to all of those who've decided to try some for themselves. Anyone who ordered soap this weekend: your soap is packed up and on its way to you! I updated the SOAP shop this afternoon, so there are a few new treats in there ready for new homes in YOUR shower! Go check them out!
Now, it's off to Tria for some delicious and cheap Abbey Dubbel-style Belgian ale.
Have a wonderful Sunday night, all!

This pile of goodness is the stash-enhancing, bed-warming result of some swaps I did with Ashley and Kirsten. Soap for amazing bedwarmer à la Ashley and delicious tweed and sock yarn à la Kirsten! And look: Edwin, despite his uncanny ability to sense and evade impending photographing, has shown up for the treats. Though he hardly looks interested in them; well, I never said he was the smartest cat ever.

Yum! Treats! Ashley's bedwarmers went like hotcakes over at her Etsy shop, so I am glad to have cajoled one out of her before she tossed the others into the vortex. And I feel lucky to have scored some Sweet Georgia yarn from Kirsten's stash, especially having heard the news that Felicia has granted herself a well-deserved hiatus from dyeing. (I *might* have also recently ransacked the Sweet Sheep and gotten a few more Sweet Georgia colorways as well, but more on that some other time). And, well, Rowan tweed is what it is: utterly amazing, and these guys will make an excellent EZ Ganomy hat, agreed? Thanks again, Kirsten and Ashley for some super swapping! Now about all of that knitting with nothing to show for it...

A little peek at what I've been working on. While it may not look like much, to me it looks like nothing less than a small miracle! I have had an exceedingly antagonistic relationship with my skein of Yarn Pirate merino/tencel sock yarn. Despite it being the nonpareil colorway for this month's Project Spectrum, it hasn't exactly been at all cooperative on the non-pooling front. After many attempts and MANY patterns, I was *this* close to giving up on it and relieving myself of the pooling horror by letting it fend for itself over at Good Yarn Karma (this new site is ingenious, by the way... unwanted yarn FREE to good homes?! It certainly DOES seem to be the year of the clean and tidy stashes, indeed!). And then... I tried ONE. LAST. THING. And so far, so good.

And, finally, I really must send out BIG HUGS to Ashley and Kirsten, for the raving reviews of my soap! And, of course, BIG THANK YOUs to all of those who've decided to try some for themselves. Anyone who ordered soap this weekend: your soap is packed up and on its way to you! I updated the SOAP shop this afternoon, so there are a few new treats in there ready for new homes in YOUR shower! Go check them out!
Now, it's off to Tria for some delicious and cheap Abbey Dubbel-style Belgian ale.
Have a wonderful Sunday night, all!
Labels: edwin claudius cat, soapy goodness, swaps, WIPs
I am very excited about the soap I just bought from you!!
Mmmm. I love Tria.
Nice loot! All the talk of your wonderful soaps made me cave...I just bought some today. I'm pretty excited: sweet orange and clove, yummy.
That's some sweet loot! Lucky you! I need one of those bed warmers....
what a lucky gal! they look like such wonderful treats.
i have plans to make one of ashley's fabulous bedwarmers for my mum when it's winter here, she always has cold feet!
your soap sounds just wonderful. hope i get to try some oneday :0)
Great loot, but I really feel compelled to comment on the IKEA chair. I think it must be the official chair of grad students everywhere, myself included.
Oooh, that Sweetgeorgia yarn is gorgeous, you lucky thing!
Thanks for the plug babe... I'm glad you sorted out the pooling issue (even though we would've loved to see the yarn over at Good Yarn Karma).
BTW: Etsy won't let me checkout (something about not shipping to AU).
Great stuff!
The merino/tencel sock looks gorgeous.
Your cat looks very cute posed with all of your loot! The Yarn Pirate colorway is beautiful. I'm glad you stuck with it and found something that works.
For the record, the IKEA Poang chair is the official chair of the post-graduate-school-yet-still-mildly
-impoverished-by-student-loans professor as well.
The colors on that Scottish Tweed are gorgeous, as is Edwin Claudius Cat.
Awesome loot! Soap, did you say soap, I must check it out. I love handmade soap.
How is the Merino Tencel yarn--I have been a bit interested in it but I am afraid that I haven't seen it in person.
Great loot--I wanted one of those bed warmers but was too late. Enjoy all your goodies.
Can't wait to see what you're knitting with the Yarn Pirate. I recently bought some sock yarn that has tencel in it for the first time-do you like knitting with it?
Indeed, our home (housing one completed PhD and a PhD in progress) also has that IKEA chair. They really do make good reading chairs.
I'm lurking on the Esty site to see if any lavender soap appears. There used to be lavender, right? If not, I'm going to go for that orange and cloves that Christy mentioned above-- :)
so awesome! love the swap.. i have yet to do one so i'm just going to live vicariously though you
must. go. get. soap! too bad you can't scratch and sniff :-)
Great loot! And you have a beautiful orange cat (my favorite cat color). I think the sock is turning out really well; I'm glad you solved the pooling issue to your satisfaction.
That is one yummy set of goodies!!!!
Quite the score! I really like the look of your socks, I am glad you found a pattern to exclude the pooling you found so troublesome.
HUGS back! The soap is fantastic!
Cute kitty too.
Quite the nice pile o' loot!! :)
I'm glad that you finally found a pattern that will work with your yarn. It is such a great PS colorway!!
those are some sweet goodies that you have there!
i would've loved to do a swap with you if only i'd known how fond you are of sweetgeorgia yarns as I have some that i'd like to swap. ah well. :)
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